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Affidavit As To Change of Name Form - PDF File
Application For Real Property Tax Exemption and Remission Form - PDF File

Tranfer File Downloads

Conveyance of Current Agricultural Use Value
Conveyance of Homestead Property Form - PDF File
Fill In DTE100 Conveyance Form
Fill In DTE 100EX Exempt Conveyance Form
Transfer Fee
Transfer Policy
Transfer & Conveyance Standards

New Transfer & Conveyance Fee Calculator as of March 13, 2021

The Auditor's Transfer Desk is open to the public between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please note, however, that properties submitted for transfer after 3:20 p.m. will not be processed until the following business day.

  The current DTE 100 Form to the left of this message will be used on transactions submitted in our office before NOVEMBER 9, 2020.  
  EFFECTIVE for all transfer transactions ON or AFTER NOVEMBER 9, 2020 the following DTE 100 forms must be used. DTE 100 EX forms have not changed.  
    Fill In
The Form
  Hand Write
The Form
  REMINDER: If you are scanning your documents to submit your transactions through E-File DO NOT shrink the PDF image when submitting.    And all four "dot markers" in the corners of the DTE forms must be visible on your submitted documents.  











As adopted under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 319.203, effective August 4, 1997, the Hamilton County Auditor and the Hamilton County Engineer's Transfer and Conveyance Standards outlines specific guidelines for presenting documents to be transferred. The purpose of transferring deeds through the Auditor is to maintain an accurate record of property ownership and parcel identification and to collect conveyance fees required by Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 319.20 and 322.02.


  1. Hamilton Real Property Conveyance Fee Statement of Value And Receipt (DTE Form 100) - ORC 319.202 or
    Hamilton County Statement of Reason For Exemption From Real Property Conveyance Fee (DTE Form 100 EX) - ORC 319.202 & 319.54 (F) (3).

  2. Evidence of Title (usually a deed or court order) bearing the last known address of the grantee and reference to the recorded instrument through which the grantor claims title. Based upon the content of the documents listed above, the following documents or information may also be required:

    1. Statement of Conveyance of Homestead Property (DTE Form 101) is required if the grantor (seller) of the property being conveyed was entitled to the Homestead reduction for the preceding or current tax year.

    2. Statement of Conveyance of Current Agricultural Use Value Property (DTE Form 102) is required if the grantor (seller) of property being conveyed was qualified for the current agricultural us valuation (CAUV) for the preceding or current tax year.

  3. A boundary survey is required when any tract, lot or parcel that is being conveyed is not described in the same manner as the same tract, lot or parcel was described in the immediately preceding conveyance of record. A plat of the boundary survey must be submitted to the County Engineer for approval prior to submission to the County Auditor for transfer. All boundary surveys must be made in accordance with the "Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys" in the State of Ohio as defined by Chapter 4733-37 of the Ohio Administrative Code.

  4. The consolidation of parcels, of same ownership, requires a Plat of Survey. The plat must meet the requirements of Section 11-3 and 11-4 of the Hamilton County Transfer and Conveyance Standards, contain deed reference of the consolidated parcels and the Book, Page, Parcel numbers of the consolidated parcels.


The Auditor can exercise the discretionary power [ORC 319.202 (a)] of requesting the applicant to provide additional information in the form of affidavits, deeds, trust documents, purchase agreements, closing statements, court orders, or any other document deemed necessary by the Auditor that sufficiently substantiates the claim for exemption or verifies the accuracy of information provided on the forms.

While the Auditor reserves the right to request such information in any and all cases, as a rule, affidavits will always be required when a DTE Form 100 EX is submitted and exemptions "b" or "m" is checked as the reason for exemption.


The following fees apply in Hamilton County:

State of Ohio Conveyance Fee .10/Hundred of the sale price (or 1.00/Thousand of the sale price)
HamiltonCounty Permissive Tax .20/Hundred of the sale price (or 2.00/Thousand of the sale price)
State of Ohio Transfer Tax .50/Parcel


Sale Price: $135,000  
Number of Parcels: 2  
Conveyance Fee: 1350 x .10 $135.00
Permissive Tax: 1350 x .20 $270.00
Transfer Tax: 2 Parcels x .50 $1.00
TOTAL   $406.00


Sale Price: $250,300  
Number of Parcels: 3  
Conveyance Fee: 2503 x .10 $250.30
Permissive Tax: 2503 x .20 $500.60
Transfer Tax: 3 Parcels x .50 $1.50
TOTAL   $752.40


All forms must be typed or clearly printed. Please only write in the section below "GRANTEE OR REPRESENTATIVE MUST COMPLETE ALL QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION".